Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Excited for POTTERMORE

I am part of the Harry Potter generation, no doubt about that. If it hadn't been for Harry Potter, I never would have started reading, and I never would have even imagined a career as a writer. It's true that it could have been another book that caused my world to open, but it wasn't--it was JKR's  world.

So imagine how excited I was to hear about Pottermore! The last movie came out, and I felt like my childhood had left me behind completely. Now there's an interactive website for us to continue living the experience on, and WE get to be a part of the story!

I'll let you know more about it in the next few weeks, because I'm one of the BETA members!! That's right, I'm going to be one of the lucky few who get to shape the experience for everyone else come October. I'll let you know just how awesome it is and how to make the best use of this site.

For your own chance to become one of the BETA members of Pottermore, check the website daily and follow @pottermore on Twitter. Every day until August 6th, there will be a new question on the homepage, and by answering that question you have a chance at finding the Magical Quill and getting you name in the book right next to Harry's! (For more information, visit the site!)

Like I said, Harry Potter truly has changed my life and inspired me to write. What books inspired you?



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