Saturday, August 6, 2011

FROZEN FURY by Angela J. Townsend

Kidnapped by a band of deranged mountain men in the Alaskan wilderness, Amber Hatchet is driven by one harrowing thought: these monsters might have her eleven-year-old son. But her attempts to escape lead to the unearthing of deadly secrets, ones better left buried. Amber's only hope lies with her husband, Jack Hatchet, confident Manhattan attorney and swindler extraordinaire. Problem is, Jack cares more about protecting his shady backroom deals than the life of his wife. In fact, he'd prefer her dead, rather than alive.

So, I read this book about a month ago, and immediately posted my review on Kindle. Here's what I said there:

"Whether I was caught up in the suspense of what would happen next or captivated by the unlikely romance, my heart couldn't stop pounding as I read this book. I read it in one afternoon, and could barely make myself stop to eat dinner. I loved the excellent descriptions throughout the story of what the main character, Amber, was feeling emotionally and physically. I was easily able to imagine myself in her place. FROZEN FURY is really a page-turner, and definitely worth the read."

But I thought I should expound on that, because it truly is an AMAZING book!

Angela has such a talent for descriptions. She brings you into her world effortlessly, and I could clearly see the little cabin Amber was held in. The villain was disgusting and frightening, and I was able to truly fear for the characters. Jack, Amber's husband, was very easy to hate, and I cringed every time one of his scenes started. It was wonderful writing.

And then there was Mitch. What a hero! His large heart makes you care for him even more, even before you're sure whether you can trust him or not. What great characterization!

So I know I've been talking about the characters here, but the suspense in the plot was just as impressive. You're unraveling a dark mystery at the same time as you're running for your life with Amber. Thrown in is some wonderful romance that makes your heart melt.

This wasn't my usual read, but I'm so glad I picked it up! Not only did I get to experience a great story, I gained a wonderful friend. You all should follow Angela on twitter (@AngelaJTownsend) and check out FROZEN FURY on Kindle! Only $0.99, and definitely worth it!! Also, check her out at Angela Townsend Books.

To read Katrina's Afterglow review, click here!



  1. Fantastic breakdown of this riveting book! Angela's descriptions always make me feel like I'm there, whether the scenery is scary like this one or beautiful. I'm excited to see more of her work in the public eye and pleased to see other people enjoy it as much as I do. :)

    I <3 Mitch.

  2. You made this book sound amazing. I might have to get it...<3 your newest follower

  3. Oh, and btw, Secondhand Heart? AMAZING title.


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