Friday, October 28, 2011

Killer Characters Blogfest--Antagonist Challenge!

Click here to learn more about the Killer Characters Blogfest, and to find links to others' entries!

Today is the final installment of the Killer Characters Blogfest, and we're supposed to pick our favorite literary antagonist.

I put off my decision until I'd read everyone else's posts, and there are so many good choices. I realize that some people won't agree with my choice, but here it goes!

Voldemort haunts my nightmares--often. He's KILLER in every sense of the word. Though the calm, cool collective-ness with which he kills people is haunting, he's even more haunting because of these scenes:

He attached himself to Quirrel's soul, then left him to die. He is the incarnation of Satan in this respect. He uses people to benefit himself and infects them with his evil spirit, then leaving them to die when things start turning around. This happens over and over in the books.

HE CAN'T DIE. Granted, once the Horcruxes are destroyed he can, but up until that point he is invincible! And look at that picture! Probably one of the most haunting, disgusting images I've ever envisioned (it was even worse when I imagined it before the movie came out!) Oh, and another thing: He's barely human.

He's been evil since childhood. I don't know about anyone else, but this scene in Half Blood Prince made me squirm. A helpless orphan is rescued by Dumbledore, told that he has a new home to go to. But think about all the things he did as that 'helpless orphan'. From the moment he was born, Tom Riddle was a Killer.

And last but not least, let's not forget this moment:

He tried to kill a BABY. I'm assuming he succeeded in killing others. But a one-year-old child was his target when he attacked the Potters, not his parents. I can't think of anything more evil.

Oh, and let's not forget about the rest of the hundreds of people he killed and had killed. Let's not forget about James and Lily, Alice and Frank Longbottom, Dumbledore, Sirius, Ms. Burbage, Fred, Mad-Eye, Snape, Tonks, Lupin, Collin Creevey---need I say more?

Voldemort will forever haunt my nightmares. How about you?


  1. I think you picked a great antagonist. He remained a worthy opponent throughout all seven of the books, actually gaining strength throughout them.

  2. He's just SOOOOOO bad! Great antagonist choice -pure evil.

  3. He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is one of the most complex antagonists ever written. Of course, Rowling had seven books to build his character, but I'm glad she had the page space to develop him. By the end of the seventh book I felt I knew him as well as Harry. How many people can say that about their favorite antagonist? Usually an antagonist's motivation for evil is a mystery, a knee-jerk impulse as if they were BORN evil. Tom Riddle CHOSE evil to further his own supremacy. Great choice!

  4. Voldemort is so SCARY! But I think Tom Riddle as a boy freaked me out the most!

  5. Oh yeah, this is definitely who I would've picked. But I wouldn't have written half as great an analysis as you did!

    This was my favorite bit: "He attached himself to Quirrel's soul, then left him to die. He is the incarnation of Satan in this respect. He uses people to benefit himself and infects them with his evil spirit, then leaving them to die when things start turning around. This happens over and over in the books."

    *shudders* That is just the worst thing about him, the way he believes he's more important than anyone else and uses people as if they're disposable. Just pure evil.

    I'm going to go look at pictures of unicorns now. Love ya!

  6. Now you have me thinking if any villains have followed me into my dreams to make then nightmares, but the only one I can think of are killer bees. And the T-rex from a dino computer game I had as a kid.

    But yes, Voldemort is one evil baddie. And I love how his unhumaneness was emphasized by his looks. Creepy.

  7. Voldemort didn't scare me after the second movie, although I still enjoyed all the battles and stuff. BUT... since you pointed out that HE TRIED TO KILL A BABY, I must agree with your choice. Great job posting all the photos to go with it.

  8. Great choice - he is an incredible villain.


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